
Potluck Spring '08

Hi, just wanted to see if you guys have any new ideas for the potluck, like a theme, games, music, or anything other ideas that you might have about how we can improve or enhance it.



Randomly surfing the net for something, I stumbled upon this -->.

It SUDDENLY brought back a massive flood of memories from childhood. My dad would play it on repeat, and it was one of the only songs that distracted me long enough to have my dinner. There's something inherently happiness-inducing about it. So yes, definitely one of my top childhood memory songs. We all have songs that remind us of our diaper/cerelac days. What are some of _yours_?


saying hello :)

Good job on setting up the blog, Mr. President! :)

With this blog being up there on Google blog search, it is only fair we vamp it up. And since I'm one of the lesser known faces in the ISA, I should probably introduce myself (some ego stroking never hurt).

My name's Sangeeta, but I respond to anything from Sangsta to Volkswagen.

I'm the Advertising Chair for the ISA :). I recently moved to the US from Canada to do my PhD in Experimental Psychology and music cognition. As I write this, I am in my bedroom back home in beautiful Hamilton, a small city of about 500,000, where I did my schooling from. I completed my undergrad in Biology and Psychology from McMaster University. When I was not memorizing organic chemistry structures, or promoting Freud's theories, I spent my time taking sitar lessons or working with children with developmental disorders. I spent my early childhood in Bangalore, India, and a few years in Hamamtsu, Japan. Living in different countries has given me an appreciation for the beauty that each culture has.

I passionately love my family, Tim Hortons, Canadian healthcare, and Louis Vuitton.

I dream of some day being a university professor studying cross-cultural aspects of music. I also dream of owning an entire closet full of Louis Vuitton originals :)

So yes, if you know me already, hey again :) And if you dont know me, then do come by and say hello. And no, I cant read minds :)

ISA Maitri Crawled!!

When I tried to "ego-surf" for the ISA Maitri on Google blog search, I observed that the Maitri official blog is the first result. Efforts are to be made to post content regularly by all members of the ISA commitee. Feed from all the members would be highly regarded.

I'm leaving the screen shot of the search I made.