Good job on setting up the blog, Mr. President! :)
With this blog being
up there on Google blog search, it is only fair we vamp it up. And since I'm one of the lesser known faces in the ISA, I should probably introduce myself (some ego stroking never hurt).
My name's Sangeeta, but I respond to anything from Sangsta to Volkswagen.
I'm the Advertising Chair for the ISA :). I recently moved to the US from Canada to do my PhD in Experimental Psychology and music cognition. As I write this, I am in my bedroom back home in beautiful Hamilton, a small city of about 500,000, where I did my schooling from. I completed my undergrad in Biology and Psychology from McMaster University. When I was not memorizing organic chemistry structures, or promoting Freud's theories, I spent my time taking sitar lessons or working with children with developmental disorders. I spent my early childhood in Bangalore, India, and a few years in Hamamtsu, Japan. Living in different countries has given me an appreciation for the beauty that each culture has.
I passionately love my family, Tim Hortons, Canadian healthcare, and Louis Vuitton.
I dream of some day being a university professor studying cross-cultural aspects of music. I also dream of owning an entire closet full of Louis Vuitton originals :)
So yes, if you know me already, hey again :) And if you dont know me, then do come by and say hello. And no, I cant read minds :)